
Dinner Gathering –Alumni Club New Administrative Committee

Dinner Gathering –Alumni Club New Administrative Committee

On January 15, 2023, Princess Sumaya University for Technology organized a dinner gathering to honor the newly elected Alumni Club Administrative Committee.

The event, attended by Prof. Abdul Ghafoor Al-Saidi, Dean of Admissions and Registration, Mr. Ibrahim Al-Ghourani, Head of Admissions and Registration, and Mrs. Lina Saadeh, Cultural Exchange Officer, provided an opportunity for the university to congratulate the committee members on their election, which took place on December 19, 2022. The gathering facilitated introductions and allowed the university officials to familiarize themselves with the new committee members.

 It also served as a platform for the committee to share their plans and visions for the development of the Alumni Club. Discussions centered on enhancing alumni engagement, fostering networking opportunities, and supporting the continued growth and success of PSUT graduates.