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PSUT President Engages in Dialogue Session with Stakeholders on PSUT’s

       Strategic Plan 2030

        In an endeavor to update stakeholders   collaboration among stakeholders to align
       across various sectors about the university’s   the university’s strategic plan with its vision
       recent advancements and challenges in   and mission, Abu Elhaija acknowledged their
       implementing its strategic plan for 2030,   pivotal role and expressed gratitude for their
       Prof. Wejdan Abu Elhaija, the President   contributions in crafting a comprehensive,
       of PSUT, held a dialogue session on the   achievable, and well-structured strategic plan
       university grounds. The session included   within the specified timelines.
       the advisory and industrial committees
       as well as the alumni club, aiming to   Prof. Abu Elhaija emphasized the
       deliberate on the strategic plan and obtain   significance of collaborative teamwork,
       feedback. This event is part of a series   involving each individual based on their
       of discussions encompassing faculty   expertise and role in the decision-making
       members, administrative staff personnel,   procedure. This effort coincides with PSUT’s
       and culminating in the involvement of   vision as it readies itself to chart a path
       experts from the local community. The   through its 2030 strategic plan, guiding
       strategic plan aligns with the vision of HRH   its endeavors to sustain excellence in
       Princess Sumaya bint El Hassan, Chair of   education, scientific research, innovation,
       the University’s Board of Trustees, towards   and community Service. Following its
       a global university with a noble mission and   presentation to the Board of Trustees
       national heritage.               for endorsement, the plan will initiate its
                                        implementation phase.
        Prof. Abu Elhaija examined the pillars of
       the strategy, the main and sub-objectives,   The strategic plan, crafted through a series
       as well as the proposed performance   of meetings, will serve as an exceptional
       indicators. Subsequently, she interacted with   guide, steering the university community’s
       the stakeholders, considering their insights,   endeavors to maintain excellence in
       viewpoints, suggestions, and expertise in   education, scientific research, innovation, and
       realizing the strategic plan. Emphasizing   community service.

       PSUT Magazine                                          8                                           2022/2023
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